We are a friendly and supportive community, with a wide variety of clubs and groups on offer. Newcomers are always welcome so please get in touch if you would like to get involved.

Forest Church
Forest Church is a family friendly outdoor service which takes place in the churchyard once a month on the first Sunday. A fun and interactive service where we explore the nature around us and learn about God's love and his plans for us.
Sunday Club
2nd and 4th Sundays - We have groups for all ages of children and young people with craft, games and other activities on offer. The groups stay within the church building but for part of the service go into side rooms with others their own age. Parents can accompany young children or not as they wish. Everybody is welcome.
Bunbury Youth Club - Year 7 upwards
Bunbury Youth Club meets on Monday evenings in term time from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at the church. It offers our young people some breathing space and time to relax in their busy schedules.
It is free, we are not inviting subscription. We will only ask for a donation when we go on special outings such as go karting and ice skating.
Click here for the latest events:
or contact our Youthworker: Beth Hayward
Pastoral Listening and Visiting Team
Please click here for more information.
Wednesday at 7:30pm on week of Evensong.
Bell Ringers
Please click here for more information.
Church Cleaning Group
Church cleaning 9am to 11.30am the first Tuesday of the month.
Coffee and biscuits are served. Please contact Lucy Munro for more information -
ALIVE at The Nags Head
ALIVE (Alleviating Loneliness In Village Environments)
This group meets every Tuesday at noon for lunch. A choice of meal is offered, £5 per person, no need to book. This is followed by a social afternoon for anyone who wished to stay.
On Friday's at 10.30am there is also a coffee morning at the Nags Head in Bunbury.
Contact Pat Blackwood, email