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Page 3

By theme

  • Annunciation & peace of God

  • Annunciation (2)

  • Do not worry- have faith in God

  • John the Baptist

  • Joy of Faith

  • Answering the call - Mary and Joseph

  • Spiritual Health

  • What we can become

  • A day in the life of..

  • Healing

  • Tests

  • God is with us

  • The hymn writer

  • The message of joy

  • Link Sunday

  • Mission Statement

  • Coming of Holy Spirit

  • The Good Shepherd

  • Mums

  • Save us

  • Back to God?

  • Simplicity - just do it

  • Equals

  • Time

  • To be a Teacher

  • What is your motive

  • God's riches

  • Ultimate Present

  • Survive without God?

  • Being Bound and Released

  • Jonah 1

  • Spirit filled

  • Wealth

  • War and the Christian

  • Shining Star

  • Rugby and Christianity

  • Facing the impossible

  • St Patrick & Faith

  • John the Baptist

  • Lust and Betrayal

  • The Devil

  • Pope JohnPaul

  • David Beckham

  • Cure and Healing

  • Art of possible

  • Faith

  • Cancer & wrestling

  • Job

  • Forgiveness

  • Beginning

  • God with skin


St Boniface Church, Bunbury
In the Diocese of Chester, England  

Rev. Tim Hayward
Tel: 01829 261511

St Boniface Church takes its duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously. We have adopted the House of Bishops’ safeguarding policies and good practice guidance.  You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at:

Making our churches safer - The Church of England has commissioned an independent Past Cases Review Individuals who wish to share information, or make a disclosure regarding church-related abuse, are encouraged to make direct contact with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser.  For more information go to or alternatively you can call the dedicated telephone helpline - 0800 80 20 20 - operated independently from the church, by the NSPCC.

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  • Bunbury Church Online
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