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Everyone is welcome to any of the services held across our three sites- we’d love to see you here. Below you will find our regular services. Special and seasonal services appear in the News section — just click News on the top menu bar.

If for any reason you are unable to join us in person, you can view our online services through our YouTube channel Bunbury Church Online.

Holy Communion

A traditional service with communion

at its heart.

Morning Worship 

A service of the word for all the family. 

Forest Church

An outdoor, creative service, in the churchyard, for all the family.

Third Sunday Brunch

An informal, cafe style service. Please come and share bacon sandwiches, pastries, tea and coffee from 10:00am.


Traditional choral service.

Contemplative Prayer

A time for quiet reflection and prayer.

St Boniface Services



10am - Mid-week Holy Communion (BCP)

1st Sunday

8am - Holy Communion

10.30am - Forest Church (outdoors)

10.30am - Holy Communion 

2nd Sunday

10.30am - Morning Worship

3rd Sunday

10.30am - Sunday Brunch

6pm - Evensong

3rd Tuesday

2.30pm & 7.30pm - Contemplative Prayer


4th Sunday

10.30am - Holy Communion  

Calveley Services

1st Sunday

11.30am - Morning Worship or Holy Communion (alternate months) 

St Jude Services

1st Sunday

9.30am - Morning Worship

2nd Sunday

9.30am - Holy Communion (BCP)

3rd Sunday

9.30am - Holy Communion

4th Sunday

9.30am - Morning Worship 

St Boniface Services
Calveley Services
St Jude Services

St Boniface Church, Bunbury
In the Diocese of Chester, England  

Rev. Tim Hayward
Tel: 01829 261511

St Boniface Church takes its duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously. We have adopted the House of Bishops’ safeguarding policies and good practice guidance.  You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at:

Making our churches safer - The Church of England has commissioned an independent Past Cases Review Individuals who wish to share information, or make a disclosure regarding church-related abuse, are encouraged to make direct contact with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser.  For more information go to or alternatively you can call the dedicated telephone helpline - 0800 80 20 20 - operated independently from the church, by the NSPCC.

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